Whoa, got your attention? Don’t worry, The Traitor’s Son IS scheduled for release. ARC copies will be available when I create a pre-order (I decided I’m going to do a month-long pre-order for it just like I did with The Explorer’s Son) but in the meantime, there are a few changes I am making with the rest of the lineup.
The most important and impactful will be these two changes:
- After October 1, The Inventor’s Son will no longer be “permafree” in any of the sales channels. The price will be set at $3.99 as it had been when it was originally released. If you have not gotten a copy of the book and it’s before October 1, check your favorite online eBook seller. Amazon will probably be the last one to revert to paid status. I have given away thousands of copies of The Inventor’s Son since I made it free last year. With the advent of services like Instafreebie, having the book free in stores makes less sense than before.
- After October 1, I plan to unpublish The Inventor’s Son: The Beginning. Again, as with having a free book in an online store, having a book for sale that has always been meant to be a “reader magnet” makes little sense. It will be available exclusively in boxed sets and as a reader magnet. You can find out more in upcoming posts. In the meantime, if you want to read the original version of The Inventor’s Son: The Beginning, you can check it out on Wattpad, but if you want the better version that’s available in the boxed set, for free, then sign up for the SB James Author and Artist Newsletter to have it delivered to your email inbox!
As of now, I have no plans to take the rest of the series down from any of theĀ online sellers like Kobo and iBooks, so no need to worry about that. In fact, I most likely will not make this series exclusive to Amazon. I do plan on participating in future Instafreebie promotions, so you can be on the lookout for that. I find that these promotions, run alongside other authors in my genres, are the most satisfying and successful.
There will be more changes coming so stay tuned!