
The Traitor’s Son is Now Available!

The Traitor’s Son is Now Available!

It’s official! The Traitor’s Son is now published!

It’s available at all major eBook retailers

Ethan Stanwood’s life will never be the same now that he knows the truth…

In The Traitor’s Son, Book 4 of The Inventor’s Son Series, Ethan’s quest to find his father has only become more desperate as he realizes that the more time passes, and the more others discover the truth of what Marcus Stanwood has done, the more likely he will be denounced as a traitor to the Crown. Ethan is determined to keep that from happening, but to do it, he himself may have to betray the very things he values the most. Ethan realizes that he will need to ally himself with someone whose ambitions, from the very beginning, have brought out the worst in Marcus Stanwood and have turned Ethan’s life into a chaotic nightmare.

At the very same time, Ethan is wrestling with his own growing powers. His witch master is reluctant to control it, but when Ethan experiences a frightening episode, Hardwick is forced to reconsider. The method he uses to restrict Ethan’s power appears to be a blessing, but could easily turn into an insidious curse.


For a limited time, the eBook version of The Traitor’s Son is priced at $0.99. The print version will be available shortly, so keep an eye out.


Posted by SB James in The SB James Author and Artist Blog, 0 comments
A Minor Change to The Inventor’s Son Collection

A Minor Change to The Inventor’s Son Collection

Hi, everyone! Very briefly, I wanted to let you know that I have made a slight change to the title of the digital boxed set edition of the first three books of The Inventor’s Son. It will now be listed in the eBook stores as The Inventor’s Son Collection (Books 0-2) because that is a much more accurate description of the contents. “Book 0” is commonly used for numbering a prequel book, but I’ve never been able to use it in the stores since they would not allow me to use anything but whole numbers. Since this set contains the prequel novella, Book 1 and Book 2, I wanted to make sure that the title of the set reflected that, now that I have gone and made sure the numbering of the volumes in all stores all correctly corresponds to the correct books.

The set includes:

  • The Inventor’s Son: The Beginning, book 0, which has added material and is exclusive to the set (or to the mailing list).
  • The Inventor’s Son, book 1 of the series, a full-length novel.
  • The Scientist’s Son, book 2 of the series, a full-length novel as well.

The new retail price will be $4.99 in all stores, and in the coming days, there will be a pre-order set up for The Traitor’s Son! Watch this space.

Posted by SB James in The SB James Author and Artist Blog, 0 comments
The Next Steps with Changes to The Inventor’s Son Series

The Next Steps with Changes to The Inventor’s Son Series

Hi, everyone!

It’s October 1st now, and I have delisted The Inventor’s Son: The Beginning from all sales channels. Google Play books, again, will probably be the first one to have it removed, followed by Amazon. Then Kobo, Nook, and iBooks will probably have it delisted by the end of the day tomorrow. The version they all were selling was the original version, and I’ve since added some material and revised a few things. The revised version is exclusive to The Inventor’s Son Collection Books 1-3 or to subscribers to my mailing list. I’ll be updating the book tables and all the book pages to reflect this change. Any older versions of the eBooks might have links to the Amazon pages, and I’ll try to track these down and redirect them if possible to this page.

There’s more coming! As I come up with the changes, I’ll be posting about them here. Stay tuned…

Posted by SB James in The SB James Author and Artist Blog, 0 comments
Detailing the Progress Made with Updates to The Inventor’s Son Series

Detailing the Progress Made with Updates to The Inventor’s Son Series

Hello, everyone! This morning, I took the first steps to changing the price of The Inventor’s Son back to $3.99. The price has already changed at Google Play because such changes are usually immediate there. I suspect it will be a few days before the change is completely done with Amazon because Nook takes a little time to change pricing as well. Amazon likes to price match as long as one of their competitors has a lower price on a book, and in my experience, Nook has always been the laggard.

I have decided to leave the price of the boxed set at $3.99 temporarily. This is probably because I will be releasing a new boxed set when I release The Traitor’s Son, and it will include The Inventor’s Son, The Scientist’s Son, and The Explorer’s Son, and that set will probably be priced at $7.99. The Inventor’s Son: The Beginning is still up for sale through the end of the week, but it will be unpublished by October 1. It will always be available for free to anyone that wants a copy if they join my email list, and who knows, it might appear on Instafreebie from time to time as well.

So, as for progress on The Traitor’s Son, it is in its final stages. I did get set back a little, but I’m sorted out now that the worst of the power outages, internet outages, and supply shortages from Hurricane Irma are behind us in my immediate area. I’m going to try and streamline the formatting process so that I can get the paperback and eBook copies for sale at the same time this time around, rather than having the paperback delayed for a long time, but if I find that my system is not working, I will release the eBook version early, then release the paperback when I have it finished.

You’ll see more from me soon!


Posted by SB James in The SB James Author and Artist Blog, 0 comments
Some Important Updates on the Status of The Inventor’s Son Series!

Some Important Updates on the Status of The Inventor’s Son Series!

Whoa, got your attention? Don’t worry, The Traitor’s Son IS scheduled for release. ARC copies will be available when I create a pre-order (I decided I’m going to do a month-long pre-order for it just like I did with The Explorer’s Son) but in the meantime, there are a few changes I am making with the rest of the lineup.

The most important and impactful will be these two changes:

  1. After October 1, The Inventor’s Son will no longer be “permafree” in any of the sales channels. The price will be set at $3.99 as it had been when it was originally released. If you have not gotten a copy of the book and it’s before October 1, check your favorite online eBook seller. Amazon will probably be the last one to revert to paid status. I have given away thousands of copies of The Inventor’s Son since I made it free last year. With the advent of services like Instafreebie, having the book free in stores makes less sense than before.
  2. After October 1, I plan to unpublish The Inventor’s Son: The Beginning. Again, as with having a free book in an online store, having a book for sale that has always been meant to be a “reader magnet” makes little sense. It will be available exclusively in boxed sets and as a reader magnet. You can find out more in upcoming posts. In the meantime, if you want to read the original version of The Inventor’s Son: The Beginning, you can check it out on Wattpad, but if you want the better version that’s available in the boxed set, for free, then sign up for the SB James Author and Artist Newsletter to have it delivered to your email inbox!

As of now, I have no plans to take the rest of the series down from any of the online sellers like Kobo and iBooks, so no need to worry about that. In fact, I most likely will not make this series exclusive to Amazon. I do plan on participating in future Instafreebie promotions, so you can be on the lookout for that. I find that these promotions, run alongside other authors in my genres, are the most satisfying and successful.

There will be more changes coming so stay tuned!

Posted by SB James in The SB James Author and Artist Blog, 0 comments

Working Furiously on the Paperback Version of The Inventor’s Son!


Mock up provided by Covervault, and the real ones will be ready for the holidays!

These are a long time coming, I know! Pricing should be available soon, as well as links to Amazon. I believe they may only be available through Amazon for the short term, with wider availability coming by the end of the year, but we will see. One advantage you’ll have with buying a print version through Amazon will be the Kindle Match, which I think I’m going to be able to set to FREE. In other words, if you buy the print version and just can’t wait until it’s delivered to read it, the Kindle version will be available for free!

For now, I plan to have print versions of The Inventor’s Son, The Scientist’s Son, and The Explorer’s Son. I do not have immediate plans to create a print version of The Inventor’s Son: The Beginning. I think that book can remain an eBook only. But let me know if you think you might want that book in print; it’s only time spent on it, and there are other authors who have made print versions of novellas, so I’m flexible.

Stay tuned!

Posted by SB James in The SB James Author and Artist Blog, 0 comments

The Explorer’s Son Will Be On Pre-Order!

The new design for the covers!

The new design for the covers!

I’ve decided to put The Explorer’s Son on pre-order at Amazon. I will get the pre-orders set up on the other retailers tomorrow. The actual release date will be December 8, 2015!

In the coming couple of weeks, the makeover of all the covers, my mailing list, reformatted versions of the previous books, will be set up. If anyone has downloaded my books from Amazon, you will most likely get an email if you do not have your Kindle account set up for automatic updates. This is not a bullet I’ve fired before, but I think it’s really important that everyone have a chance to experience the refreshed versions of my books. From what I understand, readers who have my books downloaded from other book sellers get the changes automatically.

Posted by SB James in The SB James Author and Artist Blog, 0 comments

My Books Will Soon Be Live On Google Play!

Hey, everybody! Just thought I’d give you all a quick update as to what’s doing with me and my books lately!
The number one thing is that The Inventor’s Son has now been released for six months! I’ve decided that I will keep the sale going on this book until the end of the month.
It just so happens that I’m half way through the 50k words of my NaNoWriMo project, but I’m actually behind, considering today isn’t the 15th. I will start to catch up once I’ve got all my books uploaded where I want them to go.
Which is the next big thing for this series; I’m uploading them to Google Play! The Beginning is already up there, and as it is everywhere except some places on Amazon, it’s a free download!   Having an international audience for my books is really exciting for me, and I hope I don’t run into any snags. I’ve seen the free book on there already, and everything looks OK from there. Once I get all the links, I will update the page where I have my series listed.
Also working on my next post for my character pages, for Marcus and Malcolm Stanwood (since they are probably the next most important characters affecting the story). Coming soon! That’s all I can say.
Also I’ve decided I’m going to see this final Hobbit movie in IMAX. That was very important! You needed to know that!

Posted by SB James in Older Blog Posts, 0 comments

The “Meet My Character” Blog Hop

newiscover2014Yes, indeed, I’m doing another blog hop post! But this time, the theme (Meet My Character) is going to be carried into my regular blog, and I’m initiating a new category on the blog for the characters of The Inventor’s Son. Each character featured will be either the Main Character, Major Characters, or rather important Minor Characters.

The cover of Cora Buhlert's book, Mercy Mission

The cover of Cora Buhlert’s book, Mercy Mission

I was tagged for this hop by Cora Buhlert, author of a number of SF series, including Mercy Mission, Book 1 of the Shattered Empire series, in which her featured character from her blog hop post is the main character.
Here is the rest of Cora’s bio:
Cora Buhlert was born and bred in North Germany, where she still lives today — after time spent in London, Singapore, Rotterdam and Mississippi. Cora holds an MA degree in English from the University of Bremen and is currently working towards her PhD. Cora has been writing, since she was a teenager, and has published stories, articles and poetry in various international magazines. When she is not writing, she works as a translator and teacher. Visit her on the web at or follow her on Twitter under @CoraBuhlert. Continue reading →

Posted by SB James in Meet My Characters, Older Blog Posts, 0 comments