My website building is coming along slowly but surely. I got a lot of traffic last week with the blog post about the difference between Steampunk and Gaslamp Fantasy. It got me thinking that the post wasn’t as optimized as it could have been, so it led me to make a couple of changes.
- You will now notice that I have installed Disqus for commenting on my blog. Previously I had WordPress’ commenting, which was fine if the person commenting was logged into WordPress. There are a lot of people however that are not, and Disqus makes logging in to comment a lot more flexible for would-be commenters, so yesterday I activated the plugin, so you should be seeing Disqus commenting enabled at the bottom of this and every blog post.
- My super sale on The Inventor’s Son and The Inventor’s Son Collection is coming to an end as I write this. But do not despair! There will be opportunities going forward to get great deals on my books, along with a lot of other goodies and fun stuff, and the best way to find out about them is to join my mailing list! You will be getting The Inventor’s Son: The Beginning as a thank you for joining, and remember that this is the revised and expanded edition of the book that is only available in the Collection, not as an individual book at any of the retailers. While the original edition of the book is available for free at most retailers, this may not be the case for much longer…
- I want to do more blog posts about subjects like the difference between Steampunk and Gaslamp. Perhaps some posts about the origins of Steampunk as a genre, an examination of magic systems of favorite series of books and movies, and most importantly, what significance does the octopus have to Steampunk?
- I will be getting the new home page up…ASAP.
I hope to see you back here soon!