The Big Cover Reveal For The Traitor’s Son!

The Next Book in the Series is Near Completion at Last!


As you can see, I’m sticking with the same theme of Ethan’s hand holding something that is emblematic of the story in the book. In this volume, Ethan has a dilemma: does he continue his search for his beloved father, or does he turn him in?

You’ll be hearing more and more about The Traitor’s Son as the release date gets closer. I wanted to get the cover out there so that everyone would know that the book really is on the way!


Posted by SB James

I am the author of the Steampunk/Gaslamp Fantasy series "The Inventor's Son." Find out more at


I just finished the last of the 4-book set, The Explorer’s Son. I have really enjoyed the series & look forward to the next. However, I must tell you, there were many “word errors” and typos. They seemed to have become more abundant as the books progressed. I believe some “auto-corrects” went a little haywire! I was able to figure out what most were supposed to be. Word mistakes seem to “jump off the page” at me when I read something. Grammar errors also. In some ways, it’s a curse because it distracts me. I can’t help myself! Glad you survived Irma without permanent damage!

I’m really glad you enjoyed the series so far! And thank you for your well-wishes. Irma was a scary prospect right up until it made landfall south of where it was expected to, and that helped weaken the storm quite a bit.
I’m getting another proofreader for my books, and those problems you mentioned will be corrected. Very sorry!

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